Kora Case Study: New WooCommerce shop with product subscription feature

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In this case study we will review essential features we developed for a WooCommerce store. Moreover, we will showcase the speed & performance optimization for this online shop.

Kora homepage mockups

Kora is an online shop that offers soda drinks that your gut will love. You will be able to improve your overall metabolic health. These drinks come in three delicious flavors. You have blackberry and apple, you also have orange and mango, and finally, you have lemon and ginger. If you can’t decide between these three flavors, don’t worry Kora has got you covered with a variety pack.

Our development team built a WooCommerce shop Kora.com with cool and modern features to match the novelty of the product. We created an online shop where consumers can buy sodas using traditional one-time purchasing. But also, there is a subscription option, where you can have drinks delivered to your door every couple or few weeks. This shop is created based on a custom design. The administrators of this online shop, thanks to WooCommerce have an easy-to-use panel where they can manage inventory, orders, etc. Moreover, they can add product variables, discounts, and sales.

Key features of Kora WooCommerce online store

When creating this online store, we added & developed various key features. Some key features include a top header banner, text with icons, and testimonials. Moreover, we created FAQ tabs & an account registration page. On the product pages themselves, you have a subscription option. Also, the user will have product recommendations on the page.

Top Header Banner

This top header banner is useful as it succinctly communicates the benefits of the WooCommerce shop, emphasizing convenience, quality, and exclusive offers. It serves as a quick and engaging way to communicate with customers about key information.

Top bar for notifications

Text with icons

With the help of a content block, we created content with an icon and text beside it.

text with icons on home page

Different text style and moving text

We just styled the header so that the text is right next to it, as opposed to underneath. Moreover, we added a background color and a border radius. Formatting text this way makes it stand out and is eye-catching to the user. Furthermore, we also created a moving text that shows the user the benefits of subscribing to these soda drinks.


Another feature we added to this online shop was testimonials. A user can click through testimonials with the help of clickable arrows (pagination). Testimonials are a great form of social proof and encourage new users to try out this delicious drink. While existing users will hopefully continue to come back for more.

FAQ tabs on the contact page

On the FAQ & contact page, we created FAQ tabs. These tabs keep the page clean and organized. A user can click the question that interests him or her. They can read the answer and move on to another. The user doesn’t get confused and is not overloaded with information.

Account registration for online shop

We created a form for users to create accounts on the Kora online shop. They can register simply by providing their email. This is a quick process, making it beneficial for users who want to have an order history and a quick convenient way to order consistently.

Product subscription

A user can order regular deliveries of the drink or drinks of their choice. Using the dropdown menu they can order drinks to arrive at their door every 2 weeks, 4 weeks, or 8 weeks.

Product recommendations

A great way to upsell for any online store is to provide product recommendations. For Kora, we created product recommendations, that the image will change when the user hovers the mouse over the image. Underneath each product, you will find the flavor and the prices. You will find variable prices, one is the subscription offer, while the other is a one-time purchase. Finally, you have a convenient add-to-cart button. Product recommendations are a great way to get users to spend more time on your shop and to buy more.

Product recommendations

Nutrition information section

Our development team for each drink created a section dedicated to providing users with an easy and succinct way of learning about the nutritional value. You have a header, a short paragraph, and a table.

Nutrition information - koraNutrition information - kora

Content boxes with small images & text

Another feature built for this online shop is content boxes. They give the illusion of being three-dimensional due to the black shading and border. It is another creative and simple way to organize key information for potential customers of Kora. Below this users can also find a full list of ingredients, that are organized in rectangular boxes. Each ingredient has its own dedicated box.

Scientific evidence + ingredients

WooCommerce shop speed & performance results

The key to a successful online shop is high speed and optimal performance. When developing Kora.com we made sure to keep this in mind. Our developers have processes and procedures that helped us achieve the results you see below. Some of these processes include using Lazy Loading, optimizing images, and much more.

The most important aspect, however, in terms of optimization, we have severely limited Woocommerce and WordPress files to load only the most important ones. Thus excluding those that are not used on a given page. This helped improve overall speed & performance because usually, Woocommerce loads everything. This slows down the page.

Kora - Google PageSpeed Insights mobile results
Kora – Google PageSpeed Insights mobile results
Kora - PageSpeed Insights desktop results
Kora – PageSpeed Insights desktop results
Kora - Pingdom speed test results
Kora – Pingdom speed test results
Kora - GTmetrix results
Kora – GTmetrix results

Summarising the creation of a new WooCommerce shop

Crafted with contemporary design elements, the Kora.com WooCommerce store boasts elevated convenience, users can effortlessly subscribe to these delightful sodas. With the flexibility to choose their subscription frequency, they can savor gut-healthy sodas without ever running out. They can also shop the traditional way with one-time purchases. To top it off, users can relish optimized speed and performance, guaranteeing a trouble-free soda ordering process!

The owners of this custom-designed online shop have access to a user-friendly panel made possible with WooCommerce. They can easily manage shop inventory and orders. Also, they can create product variables, discounts, and sales.

Key to our optimization strategy is the meticulous curation of WooCommerce and WordPress files. By selectively loading only essential files and excluding unused ones on a given page, we’ve significantly enhanced overall speed and performance. This strategic approach diverges from the conventional method of loading everything, a practice that typically slows down page responsiveness.

Finally, the cherry on top for us was that the owner of Kora.com signed up for our WordPress Support services, to keep this online shop in tip-top shape. We will help maintain the functioning, security, and performance of this online shop.

Want to learn more about the development of your own WooCommerce shop? Or perhaps you want some help in the WordPress support department? Drop us a line and let’s get to work.


See what our client has to say:

Acclaim turned my vision into a stunning reality. Their professionalism shone through, accommodating my schedule as a solo founder. The resulting website is fast & user-friendly and high quality. Acclaim’s responsive & flexible approach to the project ensured a smooth process & an outstanding outcome that truly stands out in the digital space.

Majdi Osman – CEO of Kora

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