Category: Articles


How does site speed impact conversion rates & sales

The average page load time should be between 2 to 4 seconds. In fact, some say that ideally, your website’s load time should be less than 2 seconds. Did you know that website speed impacts your conversion rates? Also, if you are running an online store will impact the number of sales you make? Explore how load times, conversion rates, and sales are all interconnected below.

Top WordPress Development Trends 2024

Just like any other year, in 2024 we see new WordPress development trends that are taking the web development realm by storm. It’s crucial to keep up with these trends to remain competitive and fresh. Let’s explore them together.

7 things to consider when building a WooCommerce shop

Are you pondering what factors are important to keep in mind when building a WooCommerce shop? Well don’t wonder any longer, we have 7 key aspects that are important when building a WooCommerce shop. Explore them with us in this post.

The Pros and Cons of Using WordPress for E-commerce

If you are looking for the right e Commerce website then you may want to consider WordPress. WordPress is a popular option for eCommerce sites with the help of the WooCommerce plugin. Check out the pros & cons of using WordPress for eCommerce.

The Future of WordPress Development: What to Expect

Are you wondering what the future of WordPress development holds? Do you wonder how the current digital transformation will affect the most popular content management system in the world? Well, we were curious about this topic as well. Dive in with us on this journey and let’s explore the future of WordPress development together.

Best practices for WordPress pop-ups

Do you wonder what the best way to set up a WordPress pop-up is? Well we have some tips and tricks for you. Check out our best practices to ensure a successful pop-up for your website.